Friday, January 27, 2012

Steven Spielberg's Moses: Casting The Biblical Icon

Steven Spielberg is reportedly very close to signing on to direct a biopic of the biblical hero Moses, and that makes this Good Jewish Girl very happy. Of course Mr. Spielberg, VIJ (Very Important Jew), can be trusted to tell the story of Moses with his usual brilliance. But who will be the lucky fella to portray the man who shepherded his people to freedom? Below, some casting suggestions! 1. Liam Neeson: He defied the Nazis in Schindlers List, bravely battled the seriously scary Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and stared down flesh-hungry wolves in The Grey. Who better to challenge the evil Pharaoh than Neeson? 2. Tom Hanks: Moses was the quintessential Everyman, frequently doubting his own ability to lead a nation to the Promised Land. Hanks is Hollywoods Everyman, so hed be a natural choice to play the guy who parted the Red Sea while he and his fellow Hebrews fled Pharoahs army. Run, Moses, run! 3. Daniel Craig: A blond-haired, blue-eyed Moses? Sacrilege! But they said the same thing about Bond, and they were proven wrong. Also, theres nothing improper about presenting a gritty, muscled Moses hey, it worked for Charlton Heston. 4. Benedict Cumberbatch: With roles in War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Hobbit and J.J. Abrams upcoming Star Trek sequel, Cumberbatch is definitely having a moment. Why not add another prestige project to his CV? Hes certainly got the acting chops to go head-to-head with a burning bush. 5. Haley Joel Osment: Hes been mostly MIA in recent years, but a role as juicy as Moses could revive his movie career in a big way. Cant you just imagine him whispering into the dark, echoing chambers of the Egyptian palace, I see my people let them go! All of these actors have worked with Spielberg before so they have the benefit of familiarity. But he may very well choose an unknown actor to fill Moses sandals and thats certainly his prerogative he is Spielberg, after all. Who do you want to see as Spielberg's Moses movie? Tell us in the comments section and on Twitter!

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