Saturday, August 6, 2011

Moscow campaign cries foul

New Jersey Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov's political campaign was thought to be backed by TV execs.MOSCOW -- Reports that the chief producer of state TV Channel One was behind a nationwide billboard campaign promoting the entry into politics of billionaire basketball fan and New Jersey Jets owner Mikhail Prokhorov turned out to have been exaggerated.A huge image of wealthy metals magnate Prokhorov has been plastered on billboards from Moscow to Omsk this past week, accompanied by slogans such as "Who is right, is stronger."The campaign is part of a pre-election stunt for right-of-center party Right Cause -- of which Prokhorov is leader. It aroused interest because it gave its website address as made-in-russia, the name of the production company run by Channel One's chief producer Andrei Boltenko and business partner Anton Nenashev.But reports that the duo was behind the billboards were wrong: their company is MIR Made in Russia; its website is; the Prokhorov campaign site is Cause was quoted as saying: "There was a confusion in the titles; the studio MIR Made in Russia has nothing to do with this campaign."

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